...and they lived happily ever after...
Wedding time is here! One of my favorite events to shoot — weddings. I love everything about it…from the flowers, the church, the clothes, the people…. I especially love the moment when the bride and groom stare into each other’s eyes and express their vows and then they seal it with a kiss. Ahh, such is {LOVE}. I guess you can call me a closet romantic.
Let me tell you about this past wedding I did in Lemont, IL. This place was so magical it was breathtaking. What tugged at my heart strings the most was when the father of the bride took the stand to make a speech. He brought us back to his daughter’s childhood of when he used to read her stories at night. He talked about how happy he was that she was getting married at a place called “Narnia”, the same book he used to read to her when she was a little girl. Now his little girl is all grown-up. It was at this point, that a tear roll down my cheek.
Well folks, ’til next time….
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