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Category Archives: Family

Little Super Models

I have been shooting these girls since they were small. The youngest one used to call me Mrs. Son yon yon because she couldn’t pronounce Mrs. Sonya. Now that she’s older she says my name correctly and I miss the way she used to say it! 🙁 These girls are so much fun to shoot […]

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Fall In Lake Forest

Shooting in the fall is always fun for me! The colors of the leaves in the trees are so beautiful and make for an amazing back drop! I love shooting outside, natural light is my best friend!!! The kids and I had an instant connection on this shoot… They really worked the camera and we […]

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Beautiful Family

I had so much fun with this beautiful family! I previously shot them at Soldier Field and boy have the kids grown. We mixed it up with pregnancy shots and family shots on this shoot. I had the kids in their natural environment which really made for beautiful shots. Little K and I played board […]

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Senior Portrait Season Is In Full Effect!!

We were blessed with another beautiful day on this shoot! I have to say the mosquito’s were a bit annoying but we really had a good time moving around finding different spots to shoot in. I don’t know if I told you guys but I’ve been taking my daughter on some of my shoots teaching […]

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Senior Portraits!!!!

This beautiful senior is athletic, smart, and the camera loves her!! I absolutely love shooting in natural light… So we took our photo shoot outside!!! I hope you enjoy her pictures as much as I do!

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