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Day 3 Whoo hoo!

Every time I come to a shoot, my goal is to have fun. Not sure if most of you know but, I was a hair colorist for about 15 years( I know it’s hard to believe, I look so young). I started my journey into photography when Brianna(my second child) was born. I was home on maternity leave and Brianna was 2 weeks old and I thought I should take some pictures of her. I got her all dressed up in this little purple outfit my girlfriend Keyomi had given me at my baby shower. I laid her on my white sofa( which I didn’t know at the time was acting as a reflector), she looked right into my camera with piercing brown eyes and I snapped the photo. From that moment on I was hooked. I shot her everyday.I had her on top of my dresser. I put flower on top of her. I put her in a ball on top of my dining room table. Wherever! That’s when my love affair began. So every time I pick up my camera, I feel joy. And every time I meet a client I want them to feel that joy that I have. And the thankfulness that I have that God has blessed me and given me the opportunity to do what I love. So when you meet me, my goal is to get you the best pictures of yourself that you’ve ever received AND to have a great time while doing it. So I’m gonna make you laugh! If you want a dry photographer. I’m not her. Because I’m doing what I love so be prepared.

I want to post a few pics before I go of a beautiful family I shot a couple years ago. The nice thing about this job is I get to see your children grow up. It’s amazing. I love this family. Mom and dad are great. And these kids are BEAUTIFUL. Last time I saw them, K(the little girl) was 2. And J(the little boy) was 4. Well their growing up. And still sweet, sweet children. Thanks Big K&K for letting me be a part of your lives! Here they are.

Until next time,



Grace Sonya, I think your work is stunning. I am looking forward to you shooting my family!

Kelly Love it!

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